224552 is a very dynamic fight with a lot of different damage sources of varying profiles and timings. But one important thing that often gets overlooked and its very important in this fight is the amount of tank damage happening during the encounter.
444694 hits very hard and certain tanks that require a target to hit in order to keep their mitigation going might have troubles keeping themselves up in certain overlaps of high tank damage and the boss flying away. This is one of the reasons that make Flameshaper very good in this fight. Because you are not constantly executing more complex ramps like Chronowarden does you are more free to use rev on the tanks for gh healing plus you gain access to cinders
At the end of the day the fight isn't very complicated and can easily be done as either of the hero trees, but Chronowarden would require more work in order to properly set up your ramps so you can deliver healing right in the exact moments mechanics like 439794 hit the raid.