Normal Gameplay

  1. Use sb to heal burst damage and db (with coy) to heal over-time damage
  2. Use ve frequently, for any of these purposes:
    • As a strong single-target heal
    • echoed on the group, as strong aoe heal, to apply insurance and lb
    • To active coy so your next db does more healing
  3. Use rev as a single-target spot heal, healing people who just took high damage via gh. Use ta to keep rev rolling on the group and remember to echo rev single targets before using other healing tools to maximize your gp value.
  4. Use echo and ta (with reso) to increase the healing of your other spells. Manually casted echoes are way stronger than the ones applied by ta, but they cost essence and take longer to apply. You need to choose which one of the two options is better depending on the current situation
  5. Use fb to heal people via lgf. A max rank fb on an aoe pack of mobs will do a very high amount of healing
  6. lifespark procs can be used as quick single-target healing, into lb for aoe healing or for dps; depending on your needs at the time
  7. Use chronof to heal only as a very last resort, when all your other options are on cooldown and nothing else is available


Preservation relies heavily on the empower spells and ve to do most of it's healing. sb and db can be your main sources of healing but their cooldowns force you to stagger them so you always have something to cover damage and also rewards you from planning ahead so you can line up their cooldowns with the specific damage event from bosses and trash packs.

echoing ve either via ta or manual echoes is your most spammable aoe healing as s24p will apply full-power insurance to all targets regardless of the strength of the echo.

The worse thing that can happen is for you to need to do healing but also having none of your short cds ready and zero essence banked up. To avoid this you want to juggle between casting the empowers, echoing ve and echoing rev for spot healing. The idea is to always be using some short cooldown but never to send a lot of them at the same time or you run the risk of having nothing else ready when you need it.

DPS rotation

  1. Use fb on cooldown
  2. Use db only on aoe
  3. Spam chronof


This is pretty straight forward. disint does worse damage than chronof when you aren't specced into it and even if you do pick the talents for it it's still a very tiny dps gain making it not worth it. Same case for as

Cooldown Usage

  • stasis is your main cooldown. It's very short so you should be using it a lot to cover any scenario where you need extra healing and your empowers aren't enough. You always want to store db, sb and ta but the order doesn't matter. In desperate situations you can store less valuable spells in order to squeeze more emergency healing very fast but that usually indicates a planning failure
  • ec should be paired with a lb applied with manually casted echoes. On low damage scenarios ta echoes can be enough but the real power of ec as a cooldown shines when you have a full party of manual echo lbs. This is a very good cooldown on movement having phases as you can move during the channel via either hover or movingec and also healing via lb ignores range.
  • tts is another very powerful cooldown that a lot of the time you will pair with stasis to help you store a max rank sb. The extra haste from tempburst after it's also very good to recover after falling behind in healing. Using tts on fb is not recommended.
  • rewind is more of an emergency button. It's main use is helping you in scenarios where you would have wanted to stasis or ec but you didn't had the opportunity to properly set up beforehand. Don't be afraid to use rewind to heal a single person if it's necessary, it is very strong on tanks that usually are taking very high damage all the time

Healing Priority

  1. Mastery == Critical Strike
  2. Haste == Versatility

Damage Priority

  1. Critical Strike == Haste == Versatility
  2. Mastery


Mastery is your best stat for healing in all situations but doesn't increase your damage, after that the stats are pretty equal in value and each have their own benefits and drawbacks. Critical Strike has extra interactions with rev and db that increase its value. Versatility grants an extra defensive benefit and Haste makes gameplay a bit more fluid.

At the end of the day your secondary stat breakdown really doesn't matter a whole lot and won't make much of a difference so you can really pick whatever you want as long as you remember that Mastery is the best stat for healing outright, and everything else does it's own thing.

Choosing Gear

You should always prioritize item level upgrades due to the intellect and stamina gain, as this is more important than choosing between specific secondary stats, but to help you know what pieces or items you should pick you simply sim yourself on QELive on the dungeon setting.

Class Tree

  • The point in sleepwalk can be moved as flex points if the utility is not needed

Spec Tree

  • You can pick either option in the ec choice node
  • Don't change anything else. eloop is bad, flow isn't worth the points

Normal Gameplay

  1. echo ve frequently on the group, and then use engulf on yourself to transfer the healing via lb. Remember to always have db with coy active on yourself before using engulf to also trigger consume.
  2. Use sb as a big group burst heal, either by itself or as extra healing into a lb. Feel free to echo it if you need more healing at that moment.
  3. Use rev as a single-target spot heal, healing people who just took high damage via gh. Use ta to keep rev rolling on the group and remember to echo rev single targets before using other healing tools to maximize your gp value.
  4. Use echo and ta (with reso) to increase the healing of your other spells. Manually casted echoes are way stronger than the ones applied by ta, but they cost essence and take longer to apply. You need to choose which one of the two options is better depending on the current situation
  5. Use fb to heal people via lgf. A max rank fb on an aoe pack of mobs will do a very high amount of healing


Flameshaper uses engulf as an additional flex option to respond to damage, the main way to use it is via lb and proccing consume at the same time, but it can also be a strong single-target heal as long as you get time to properly set up heal over time effects on the target beforehand. engulf also reduces the cooldown of db and fb every time you use it so your uptime on these other spells will be much higher.

echoing ve either via ta or manual echoes is your most spammable aoe healing as s24p will apply full-power insurance to all targets regardless of the strength of the echo. This lends itself nicely into lb engulf for very powerful burst healing.

The worse thing that can happen is for you to need to do healing but also having none of your short cds ready and zero essence banked up. To avoid this you want to juggle between casting the empowers, echoing ve and echoing rev for spot healing. The idea is to always be using some short cooldown but never to send a lot of them at the same time or you run the risk of having nothing else ready when you need it.

Remember that while echoing engulf does replicate the healing, it doesn't cause another consume nor doubles the effect from fsiphon.

DPS rotation

  1. Use fb on cooldown
  2. Use db only on aoe
  3. Spam lf


This is pretty straight forward. disint does worse damage than chronof when you aren't specced into it and even if you do pick the talents for it it's still a very tiny dps gain making it not worth it. Same case for as

Cooldown Usage

  • stasis is your main cooldown. It's very short so you should be using it a lot to cover any scenario where you need extra healing and your empowers aren't enough. You almost always want to store db, sb and ta but the order doesn't matter. In desperate situations you can store less valuable spells in order to squeeze more emergency healing very fast but that usually indicates a planning failure. Storing engulfs is also a viable option but requires careful planning as it very easily risks doing a ton of overhealing.
  • ec should be paired with a lb applied with manually casted echoes. On low damage scenarios ta echoes can be enough but the real power of ec as a cooldown shines when you have a full party of manual echo lbs. This is a very good cooldown on movement having phases as you can move during the channel via either hover or movingec and also healing via lb ignores range.
  • tts is another very powerful cooldown that a lot of the time you will pair with stasis to help you store a max rank sb or use as emergency recovery. Using tts on fb is not recommended.
  • rewind is more of an emergency button. It's main use is helping you in scenarios where you would have wanted to stasis or ec but you didn't had the opportunity to properly set up beforehand. Don't be afraid to use rewind to heal a single person if it's necessary, it is very strong on tanks that usually are taking very high damage all the time
  • cinders is a big gain from playing Flameshaper, you should aim to use it on a vulnerable target every time a good situation presents itself. It's a very good tank healing option and can mitigate a lot of dangerous mechanics if used well.

Healing Priority

  1. Mastery == Critical Strike == Haste
  2. Versatility

Damage Priority

  1. Critical Strike == Haste == Versatility
  2. Mastery


Mastery is your best stat for healing in all situations, after that the stats are pretty equal in value and each have their own benefits and drawbacks. Critical Strike has an extra interaction with rev that increases its value. Versatility grants an extra defensive benefit and finally Haste makes gameplay a bit more fluid.

At the end of the day your secondary stat breakdown really doesn't matter a whole lot and won't make much of a difference so you can really pick whatever you want as long as you remember that Mastery is the best stat for healing outright, and everything else does it's own thing.

Choosing Gear

You should always prioritize item level upgrades due to the intellect and stamina gain, as this is more important than choosing between specific secondary stats, but to help you know what pieces or items you should pick you simply sim yourself on QELive on the dungeon setting.

Class Tree

  • The points in leech and iarcana can be moved as flex points if you need to grab other utility
  • Either of the rb choice node options are good, pick depending on what you prefer for cinders

Spec Tree

  • renewingb can be moved into lifespark and gp for a more rev centric build, at the cost of losing healing on db of which Flameshaper has very high uptime on and smaller consumes.
  • You can pick either option in the ec choice node
  • Don't change anything else. eloop is bad, flow isn't worth the points

Normal Gameplay

  1. During ramps:
    1. Spread echo across the raid with manual casts and ta
    2. When damage hits the raid, consume the echoes with ve
    3. Cast echo on yourself, and then a rank 2 sb on yourself
    4. This combination heals everyone for a high amount via insurance from s24p, ve and lb
  2. In between ramps
    1. Use db (always with coy) as often as possible
    2. Use fb and chronof during downtime to farm for bursts
    3. rev can be used as an emergency single-target healing tool due to gh

Cooldown Usage

  • Every ec should be paired with a stasis. Use the stasis to help you ramp for a bigger lb by storing taechota. This way after the 2nd ta is cast you can instantly release the stasis and the echoes from the first ta will still be available, letting you lb all 20 players.
  • The extra stasis between ecs is more flexible, your main goal is to put high value spells in it which are db, sb, and ta.
  • df should be used in situations where the raid is fairly stacked so you can guarantee healing a majority of it and also when its safe for you to fly around the area without dying.
  • rewind should be assigned as recovery from a single raid-wide big damage event.
  • tts can be used to quickly cast a max rank sb as an emergency heal or as a separate ramping tool: the extra haste and cooldown reduction from tempburst vastly reduces the cooldown of ta and your global cooldown, letting you very quickly get big echo coverage in the raid without having to use stasis

General Priority

  1. Mastery
  2. Critical Strike
  3. Versatility
  4. Haste


Mastery is your best stat for healing in all situations. Critical Strike pulls ahead after that because of special interactions with rev, exhil and dtime. Versatility is simply a flat passive increase and Haste comes last because a big part of our healing (namely sb, ec, stasis) do not scale up with haste at all.

Choosing Gear

You should always prioritize item level upgrades due to the intellect and stamina gain, as this is more important than choosing between specific secondary stats, but to help you know what pieces or items you should pick you simply sim yourself on QELive.

Class Tree

  • You can move the point from quell into other utility you want if an interrupt is not needed
  • 375520 can also be moved freely. It is not a very powerful effect
  • tg and rescue can be moved if you don't use them (but you should).
  • Swap between ts and spatial as needed or requested.

Spec Tree

  • In general, its pretty locked-in
  • You can move font into exhil as the only spell you max-rank consistently is fb
  • You can pick either option in the ec choice node

Normal Gameplay

  1. During ramps:
    1. Spread echo across the raid with manual casts and ta
    2. When damage hits the raid, consume the echoes with ve
    3. If this is your stasis ramp, use stasis
    4. Cast db, it's guaranteed to apply to yourself
    5. Use engulf on yourself, one or two charges depending on your gameplan for the fight.
    6. This combination heals everyone for a high amount via insurance from s24p, ve, lb and consume
  2. In between ramps
    1. Use sb as often as possible as a filler smart heal
    2. Use fb and chronof during downtime to farm for bursts
    3. rev can be used as an emergency single-target healing tool due to gh

Cooldown Usage

  • stasis is the main cooldown of Flameshaper. Every time stasis is up you want to store a db and two engulfs when consuming your ramp. Because of the 1min 30s cooldown of stasis depending on your haste you can use either one or two engulfs in between stasises and need to pool the rest.
  • ec should be paired with a lb ramp. You can get up to 15 echoes out in the raid by casting ta, spreading manual echoes while ta comes off cooldown before using it again and then using ve.
  • df should be used in situations where the raid is fairly stacked so you can guarantee healing a majority of it and also when its safe for you to fly around the area without dying.
  • rewind should be assigned as recovery from a single raid-wide big damage event.

General Priority

  1. Haste (to reach the 20% breakpoint)
  2. Mastery
  3. Critical Strike >= Haste (after 20%)
  4. Versatility


Reaching 20% haste lets you cast an extra engulf in between stasis cooldowns, which is a significant increase in healing if you can make proper use of the extra cast, however if you can't reach the 20% breakpoint you should prioritize mastery over haste.

Mastery is your best overall healing stat, after that it's critical strike closely followed by haste once you're past the breakpoint, and finally versatility is the worst statistic.

Choosing Gear

You should always prioritize item level upgrades due to the intellect and stamina gain, as this is more important than choosing between specific secondary stats, but to help you know what pieces or items you should pick you simply sim yourself on QELive.

Class Tree

  • The points from exflight can be moved as needed for utility.
  • rescue and tg can be moved if you don't use them (but you should use them), potentially into the rb choice node

Spec Tree

  • The points in flow are dependant on how much value do you get from the reduced cooldowns on any given fight, they can be moved into ouro and possibly cycle for a more advanced play style that incorporates blossoms and feeds cycle with your healing from lb and engulf.