Hello, i'm Harrek. I've been a Preservation Evoker main since Dragonflight launched, and i've played it exclusively every season since. I currently raid with Unbalanced.
I am part of the Preservation staff in the Evoker Discord, help edit videos for the Questionably Epic Youtube, help a tiny bit on the Preservation WowAnalyzer, do video content on my Youtube channel, develop a small Tooltips Addon, and try to be a general source of good information for the spec everywhere i can.
I also develop and maintain Spiritbloom.Pro with the help of a group of very talented players. The goal is to have a resource oriented towards practical and specific examples to answer the most common questions people have when playing the spec in difficult content.
Hopefully you will find some of these things useful, and if you want to let me know about anything feel free to ping me @harrek on the evoker discord or on the Spiritbloom.Pro discord, just knowing the content is helping people is a big morale boost. I would also appreciate any sub to my youtube channel if you enjoy that content.
If you really like the site and would like to help keep it going, you can check my patreon page or buy me a coffee.